Friday, February 12, 2010

Feng Shui for Pairs

With Valentine's day is just around the bend...a post on enhancing love seemed in order.

In general, when we look at love and relationshop in Feng Shui, we look at the bedroom. If you're wanting to attract a relationship into your life, or enhance the one you have, there are some fairly simple things you can do.

1) Things in pairs are good!

Place decorative items in pairs around your bedroom. Two matched candles, two paintings on the wall in matching frames (pictures depiciting love, hearts and happy couples are great here), matching perfume bottles, etc.

2) Balance is key to a balanced relationship
Look at the physical balance in the room. Can the bed be accessed as easily from both sides? Matching nightstands with matching lamps here are best. Do both partners have equal space in the room?

3) If there's not currently a partner in your life and you want one, make some space in your space! Clear out a closet, make some space in the medicine cabinet, set up some room in your room for a lover to join you...sometimes simple steps in making space physically can really open things up and allow new experiences and people in.

Happy Valentines's Day! May we all love ourselves so richly and deeply that that love cannot help but overflow to everything and everyone!


  1. Happy Valentine's day, Diana!
    These ideas are great. Conversely, it reminds me of all the pre-Raphelite prints I had in my twenties and in my first marriage - all sad, miserable women - beautiful but miserable! Needless to say I became sad and miserable as my first marriage deteriorated. I think it is so true that the items we surround ourselves with help to encourage experiences into our lives.
    In recent years, having consciously added childhood items to the home, we are now on the first steps towards adoption - so happy! And Mr Bun and I are also consciously focusing on balance in all aspects of our day to day lives - so important.
    Have a lovely weekend, (pun not intended!)

  2. Hi Denise,

    I love hearing stories like that (not that I love to hear that you were so sad, of course), and they're not uncommon. So true that we're influenced by what we surround ourselves with.

    I love that you're consciously surrounding yourselves with childhood items as you move toward parenthood...that kind of intention is so powerful!

    Have a wonderful week too!

  3. Thanks for the great advice! Since all of my old relationships are ending, maybe I will finally clean my closet out, and make room for someone new.

  4. Marguerite, that sounds like a great idea! Be kind and gentle with yourself as you clear things out...doing it gradually can be a very good, healing thing. Happy Valentine's day!

  5. Thank you very much for reminding us how important it is to nurture our home environment, in order to tweak our chi.
