Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let the Chi Flow!

As Spring approaches (oh thank goodness!), remember to keep the chi flowing in your house.

When it's warm enough, open doors and windows to allow fresh air to circulate and stir things up a bit. Those of us in wintery climates can especially use this at this time of year.

In general, during the day, keep all the interior doors open to allow the chi to flow. The only exception to this would be the bathroom door, which, if possible, should alway remain closed. Read more about bathroom treatment here.

Spring is a good time to think about decluttering.Piles and stacks and too much stuff slows the flow of chi to the point where we need to be concerned about stagnation. Remember, chi should flow meandering gently, not moving too quickly and not getting stuck. More about decluttering can be found here and here.

Happy almost Spring!


  1. Yes, time to clear the clutter and reorganize closets and things. Time to assess needs and make a list of things to replace. Good seeing you around, Diana.

  2. Hi Diana
    Thank you for this, and I visited the two other posts you linked to, as well.
    I very much feel the need for some space clearing and decluttering here. We've had a difficult week with our cat being poorly at the vets, and there have been several other big problems/health issues for friends/extended family. It really feels as though we are rather bogged down by it all.
    I open windows throughout the house every day, but I feel we need to seriously consider what can be removed from our house to make room for some more positive chi to come inside.
    Thank you - such a provoking post - I needed this!
    Denise x
